Matt Paint and Alternatives

Matt Paint and Alternatives

Professional Painters Sydney – Interiors

Of course we should put some time and effort into choosing the right colours to paint the interior of our homes. Paintwork is fairly permanent. We can change it, but it is better to get the right look on the first attempt, and enjoy the results.

We should choose the colour scheme to suit the intended decor. We should also choose the type of paint finish to suit the various rooms. Paint is available in glossy and matt finish, as well as a few more modern alternatives. These different finishes have advantages for different situations.

Matt paint has been the most popular finish for interiors over the last few decades, at least for most rooms.

Matt paint has the advantages of:

  • Matt paint has a pleasant chalky texture.
  • Matt paint reflects light in a pleasant neutral way. There will be few, if any, reflective marks.
  • Matt paint will cover up minor imperfections in a wall.
  • Matt paint will not really show brush or roller strokes. We can mix brush and roller painting on a wall and not see any changes in the texture; there will be no ‘join marks’ where the brush and roller areas overlap.

The only disadvantages:

Matt paint will tend to show stains more than other paints. It will not be as stain /grease resistant as a glossy finish.
Matt paint is not as resistant to moisture as glossy paint.

Most people prefer Matt paint in most rooms of the home. The exceptions are the bathroom and kitchen, where moisture is more of an issue. Often glossy finish paint is used in bathrooms (with tiles) because it resists the moisture. Sometimes gloss paint is also used in children’s rooms because it is easier to clean.

Modern alternatives – Eggshell Paint.

Eggshell paint is similar in appearance to Matt paint, and has all the advantages of covering imperfections and neatly reflecting light. But is also has superior strain resistance, similar to glossy paint.
Many people now use eggshell paint. It is easy to clean, resists moisture fairly well, and it looks as attractive as traditional Matt paint.

Professional Painters Sydney

Talk to us about the decor and paint scheme you want for your home. We can get the best results, with the type of paint that really lasts.

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