Quick Cutting the Edges
Professional House painters Sydney
With all most all projects the fine details are the hardest part. With interior painting one of the hardest aspects is doing the edges and corners. internal walls have skirting boards at the base of the walls, and cornicing at the ceiling. These are almost always a different colour to the walls, sometimes even remaining unpainted. It can take considerable skill to paint the walls without getting paint on these edges.
If the house is new it is possible to paint the walls before the cornicings and skirting boards are put in place. This removes most of the difficult work. Though the corners where the adjacent walls join will still need to be done with some care.
Corners and edges are usually done with a fine brush, sometimes a foam brush. for edges that contact the skirting boards an angled brush might be used. this is like a normal brush, except that the bristles will be cut at an angle. This helps to get the brush at just the right angle for a neat, straight line. The edges where walls meet might be painted with a foam roller that does both edges simultaneously.
Of course the old trick is to use painters tape/masking tape to cover the edge that you don’t want painted. it takes time to cover all the edges in a room, but it makes the painting easier, and quicker to perform. the tape is removed when the paint has partly dried.
for a neat edge-
- Paint before the skirting boards are put into place.
- Use an small angled brush, which takes some skill.
- Use tape to mask the edges that you want to protect from paint.
The edges of the wall should be painted so that 10 cm of area away form the edge is covered. Once this paint has set it is possible to paint the rest of the walls with a roller. This roller work may take less time than the fine edges
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